
Our repertoire

Midifiles: 35786
Pro-Midifiles: 3406
ProV-Midifiles: 3583

Playbacks: 13385
Pro-Playbacks: 1212
ProV-Playbacks: 2175

Your mu­si­cal jour­ney starts here! Whether you're a sin­ger, in­stru­men­ta­list, mu­si­cian, mu­sic stu­dent, mu­sic tea­cher, or pro­duc­er – at GEER­DES, you be­ne­fit from our ex­ten­sive ex­pe­ri­ence and com­pre­hen­sive ex­per­tise!

Ex­plore our high­ly pro­fes­sio­nal Mi­di­files and Play­backs, tai­lored for di­verse ap­pli­ca­tions and per­fectly tuned to your needs.

If you're un­sure wheth­er our pro­ducts are suit­able for you, don't hesi­tate to con­tact us.
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Telefax: +49 3321 7484879
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Telephone office hours
Mon. - Fri.: 10am - 1pm
Exceptions: Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve & on public holidays

Version 4.5.5 GEERDES is online since 1997 Licensing via
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